Common Problems After Breast Reduction Surgery: What to Expect and How to Manage Them


Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a transformative procedure that can provide relief for individuals struggling with the physical and emotional burdens of overly large breasts. While the surgery offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware that there are potential challenges that may arise during the recovery process. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the common problems after breast reduction surgery and provide practical tips on how to manage them effectively.

  1. Pain and Discomfort

One of the most immediate concerns after breast reduction surgery is pain and discomfort. It's normal to experience some level of pain in the days following the procedure. To manage this, your surgeon will likely prescribe pain medication. It's crucial to follow the prescribed dosage and contact your healthcare provider if you experience severe or prolonged pain.

Additionally, applying cold compresses and maintaining a comfortable, supported posture can help alleviate discomfort. Resting and avoiding strenuous activities during the initial recovery period is also essential.

  1. Swelling and Bruising

Swelling and bruising are common after breast reduction surgery and can be noticeable for several weeks. Wearing a compression bra or garment as recommended by your surgeon can help reduce swelling and promote proper healing. Avoiding activities that may exacerbate swelling, such as heavy lifting or vigorous exercise, is crucial during the early stages of recovery.

  1. Scarring

Scarring is an inevitable aspect of any surgical procedure, including breast reduction. However, with proper care and attention, scars can fade significantly over time. Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to care for your incisions, which may include applying specialized creams or ointments.

Keeping the incisions clean, avoiding sun exposure, and refraining from smoking (as it can impair the healing process) are also important steps in minimizing scarring.

  1. Nipple Sensation Changes

Temporary changes in nipple sensation are common after breast reduction surgery. Some individuals may experience heightened sensitivity, while others may have decreased sensation. In most cases, these changes gradually improve over several months.

Maintain open communication with your surgeon about any concerns regarding nipple sensation. They can provide guidance and reassurance based on your specific situation.

  1. Asymmetry

Achieving perfect symmetry in breast size and shape can be challenging, and minor asymmetries may occur after surgery. It's important to remember that complete symmetry is not always achievable, and small differences are typically normal and not cause for concern.

  1. Infection or Complications

While infections and complications are rare, they can occur after any surgery, including breast reduction. Following proper post-operative care instructions, keeping the surgical area clean, and attending all follow-up appointments with your surgeon are crucial in reducing the risk of complications.

If you notice any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge, seek immediate medical attention.

Introducing Dr. Karen Towmasjan: Your Specialist in Breast Redo Surgeries

For those seeking expert guidance and top-notch care in breast redo surgeries, Dr. Karen Towmasjan is the specialist you can trust. With a wealth of experience and a German board certification, Dr. Towmasjan is at the forefront of breast reduction surgery in Dubai.

Check his page

Contact Us for a Consultation

If you're considering breast reduction surgery and would like to consult with Dr. Karen Towmasjan, don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care and ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.


Breast reduction surgery can be a life-changing procedure, providing immense relief and boosting self-confidence for many individuals. Understanding and preparing for the potential challenges during the recovery process is essential for a successful outcome.

Remember to maintain open communication with your surgeon and follow their post-operative care instructions diligently. With patience, proper care, and time, many of the common problems associated with breast reduction surgery can be effectively managed, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your new, more comfortable physique.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a more comfortable and confident you.


Understanding Weight Requirements for Breast Reduction Surgery